Spy/Espionage Visual Novel

Okay so this is a visual novel about spies and/or secret agents that are in a privately owned/run secret agent company? The company itself is very secretive and not a lot of normal people know it exists but it has some sort of agreement with the government to stay out of their business and they stay out of the companies business So they're not necessarily on friendly terms so to speak but they've got a shaky truce going on.

Okay so in the visual novel you play as a secret agent that is high ranking in the company and you are tasked with a mission to steal something from this other company that is doing evil stuff and the head of the company has their office in the top of the company's headquarters which is a tall tower skyscraper thing and so the whole game is about you trying to make it through all of the security to get to the top of the tower to steal the thing which I think is going to be a flash drive with maybe like secret blueprints or plans or information that is not good that there may be going to sell to other evil people I think so yeah not good.

To get into the tower to evaluate the security the player is going to first get a job there as maybe just a low level secretary or something just a low level office worker because this is a corporate building and they're going to work a couple days maybe a week maybe a couple weeks I'm not sure and just get a lay of the land and figure out what security is on which floors cuz each floor is going to have different security and they'll get to know the other people who work there and higher ups and then after they're done evaluating the situation they're going to go on the main mission with their team.

The team is going to consist of obviously all of the love interests because there's going to be romance because I don't make games that don't have romance because romance is cool (what in the world was I even trying to say?) so yeah there are going to be other romance options that are not necessarily in the player's team because there's going to at least be one government agent who is also after the Flash Drive and they will be doing their run for it at the same time as the player and their group on the same night.

They'll run into each other and that route would be more of like an enemies to lovers kind of situation because remember the main character's company that they work for and the government have a shaky truce going on so they agreed to stay out of each other's business but when they cross which they're not supposed to it's not good and they're not necessarily friendly with each other so yeah they'll start off as kind of Rivals / enemies And so they will grow closer while both maybe working together to get to the top and they're both planning on double crossing the other once they get to the top to get the flash drive for themselves I think but there's going to be a plot twist I don't know exactly what the plot twist is going to be but I know I want the main characters company that they work for to still be good guys (I'm running out of breath, help)

The company I'm not sure what the name is yet but all of their agents are people that they have recruited when they were in very low spots of their lives so they don't take normal people in they take like ex-convicts who got out of prison after serving their sentence and can't get back up on their feet and find jobs and are struggling because of their past or people who are homeless and can't find jobs and stuff like that or people who were framed for something they didn't do they will offer them the chance to start over in their company instead of serving the sentence that is not meant to be theirs or they will take in people who like say someone is being abused by either a partner or a family member and there's nothing they can do to get away and it's a very dangerous situation for them so they fight back in self-defense and end up killing the person that abused them that is really self defense but the court wouldn't see it that way most likely and so the company would take people like that and give them a chance to start over so yeah the company is full of people who have had a really s***** lives and started off and been very down in the dumps so to speak and they give them a second chance to do something good and live fulfilling lives that normally the way Society works they wouldn't get to do that so yeah I want them to still be good I don't want the plot twist to be that the company was evil all along maybe only one person in the company is evil or maybe one of the love interests on the main characters team is actually working for the evil people and maybe part of their route that you would play would be to help them out of that situation.

Either they are being forced to be in that situation or they're being brainwashed so to speak and they don't see that they're on the wrong side and that what they are doing would hurt a bunch of people so part of their route would be to help them fully come over to the good side and stuff or a bad ending to their route could be that either the main character joins them in the evilness? or that the main character can't convince and or free the person to come over to the good side and it ends up being bad so that's a cool idea 

(My brain hurts trying to edit this -- yes this is the edited version RIP -- I am just going to publish this and call it a day, goodbye)


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