All's Fair In Love And Yard Sales

Very old and messy unedited notes about the game: 

Genre: romance, comedy, feel good, slight angst, getting to know each other, rivals-to-lovers-but-one-of-them-already-developed-a-major-crush, rom-com, meet-cute after they meet vibes.

-MC is having their annual yard sale and LI is having a garage sale

-customizable MC (name, pronouns, personality through choices, possibly looks)

-ONE LOVE INTEREST: Name TBD, nonbinary, age 28-30-ish, your only condo neighbor, lonely :(, raised by single mom who died when they were 18, been slightly numb to the world ever since, tried literally every hobby sport etc. to find something that makes them happy, kinda lost and doesn’t feel like they have a place to fit in the world, mid-life crisis at 30 vibes, works from home as social media manager, moved into condo couple months ago, lowkey(highkey) has a crush on MC, has reading glasses they wear on their head when not being used, PERSONALITY: reserved, kinda awkward (especially around MC bc <3), social anxiety at the max, sleep schedule is wrecked, probably plays otome games just to feel understood and loved by someone(even if they are fictional), can nerd out about literally anything, makes really cool coffee, fidgets w/ hands and bites lips as nervous habit, always has at least 10 hair ties on wrists, doesn’t know how to accept praise, knows lots of random facts, the type of person to read an encyclopedia for fun, touch starved, bottles up emotions to the point where small things make them want to cry(help this is literally just me)

-PLOT: You are having your annual garage sale to get rid of junk but turns out your cute condo neighbor is having a garage sale at the exact same time- and even worse? They have way better stuff than you! Shenanigans and awkward romance ensues as you fight to be the best garage sale of the condo! In the end will you make the most money? Or maybe you’ll find that being the best isn’t what makes you happy, but instead it’s perhaps your cute neighbor?

-literally just a romance VN about garage sales and a cute nerd that’s been going through an identity crisis for the past 11 years. Just a feel good story with a focus on romance, a decent sized dollop of comedy, and a dash of angsty drama!!!


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