The Tower

 Random thoughts and general plot info for The Tower VN:

-mc is a prisoner in ???’s tower

-??? Uses they/them

-game spans 7 days

-3 endings (old age, escape, death)

-old world/new world, old world nice happy magic, new world is chaos and everything wants to kill you/post apocalyptic

-??? Lives in a tower safe from chaos outside because so much old world magic in tower

-mc is descendant of old world mages = has old world magic in blood/probably semi-repellent to new world magic and creatures because of it

-??? Is descendant of people who caused apocalypse so feels guilty/is trying to bring old world magic back/crazy mad scientist vibes

-??? Can only bring back small amounts of old world magic/needs mc’s blood to bring back old world magic permanently 

-old age route = ??? bonds with mc and mc agrees to stay in the tower and help bring back old world magic/they live in tower happily ever after/soft happy ???/old world magic comes back in small bits over time/eventually world is fixed

-escape route = mc tricks ??? and escapes from tower probably mostly unscathed/lives in scary chaos new world again until most likely dies to said world

-death route = self explanatory/mc doesn't escape and ??? goes ahead with planned experiment and mc dies/old world magic is brought back immediately 

-??? Is actually a nice person and doesn't want to kill mc but will if no better option to bring back old world comes along

-??? Has major guilt complex/seeking redemption in some twisted way/believes the good that comes with bringing back old world magic will equal out the bad of sacrificing mc to do it/in old age route mc shows them a better way to redemption/that they aren’t responsible for their ancestors actions

-??? Also believes they aren’t capable of redemption/in escape route that is only solidified after mc escapes/in death route after they sacrifice mc they regret it even though old world magic is back

-basically the most happy end for both mc, ???, and entire world is old age route

-??? Ends up depressed in all other routes/mc dies horribly in all other routes/the world gets old world magic in death route but not in escape


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