Feast of Bones

 this is technically a D&D one shot I created about 3 years ago but I have been recently thinking of turning it into a Visual Novel!

General Plot/Common Knowledge In Sandonia: 

You are invited to the annual “Feast Of Bones”, which is a very exclusive invitation only celebration honoring the two great heroes that have saved the nation you live in, Sandonia, countless times and brought it the peace and prosperity you have now. Sandonia is built on a huge sand bank in the ocean. As you can imagine it was not very structurally sound, that was one of the first ways the heroes saved Sandonia. Not much information is known about them before their time as heroes, but you are aware they were siblings who came from another nation, you aren’t quite sure which nation though, as everyone you ask has a different opinion. They’re names were Adina Bonelette and Arlan Bonelette, Adina being the younger of the two by a few years.  She specialized in weapons and physical fighting styles while Arlan was one of the strongest necromancers of his time, both being extremely strong and well matched. They sadly died due to an accident that happened about three years ago while saving a kitten from a cliff, don’t worry though! The kitten is fine and living a very pampered life. It’s probably the most famous cat in the nation. Anyway, back to the feast. No one knows who the host is or who delivers the invitations, they just show up. But rumor has it that the feast is a once in a lifetime experience. It’s so incredible that when someone does attend, they never end up leaving. Most people assume they decided to stay and keep the party going. This year’s feast will have 4 years worth of guests if that theory is right, should be super fun!

Dm Notes:

-players decide why they got an invitation (must be because they are highly skilled at something)

-Adina pushed Arlan off the cliff intentionally because she was pissed a) they were always known as a pair. She didn’t feel like she was her own person/had actually accomplished anything on her own. b) felt he was always one upping her with his necromancy skills. c) was a magic hater/thought it was cheating(?)/ was stupid and her brother was all for magic. d) wanted more action than saving kittens. Brother wanted/liked the peace. She wanted to start a “small” war with neighboring nation so they could be the saviors again. She dies right after she pushes him off tho. The cat trips her and she falls off the cliff too. Yay kitty!

-feast host/main boss is dead brother. Used necromancy right before he died to somehow not go to the underworld or something. He learned of Adina’s plan to start a war and didn’t agree, big fight, she pushed him off. Doesn’t know she’s dead/doesn’t believe it. She’s very skilled in stealth so he thinks she’s just fooling everyone and working behind the scenes to start a war. Is the host to draw people in and then sacrifice them at the end of the night so he becomes more powerful. The lives of the many outweigh the few vibe. Fancy made up necromancy stuff. 

-players get testimony from the cat - cat owner is there and brought the famous cat to show her off. One of the guests is very very good at animal handling and can communicate with them.



Urk Butter Blood- Orc, renowned baker

Adina & Arlan went to Urk’s bakery often. Adina said Urk’s scones were soggy and now he starts crying whenever someone mentions scones.

By talking to Urk you learn about the sibling’s dynamic (Adina being rude and impulsive and entitled while Arlan cleans up her messes and is kindly and humble).

Talks in third person.

Wearing a fancy apron and chef’s hat.

Falana Vale- elf, animal whisperer 

Takes on odd jobs and moves around a lot. Can communicate with animals. Is a huge gossip and gets lots of juicy info about the heroes from animals.

By talking to her you learn all the rumors about Adina and Arlan, some true and some false.

She can also talk to the famous cat and get its testimony.

Has a snake companion.

Wearing generic green dress.

Klementia Fuhpit The 14th- human, famous cat owner

Is the king’s sister. Has met Adina and Arlan at award ceremonies and such but never really paid them too much attention. 

Extremely self centered and self righteous. Jealous that people pay more attention to Klementia Fuhpit The 15th, the king’s daughter and princess of Sandonia who is very kind. She was only named that because Klementia 14th insisted.

By talking to her you learn literally nothing relevant, all she does is drone on about herself.

Brought the famous cat to the party, basically the cat’s agent.

Wearing the gaudiest outfit imaginable.

Klementia Fuhpit The 15th- half elf, princess of Sandonia 

Was on-and-off lovers with Adina. Knows about Adina & Arlan’s past. 

Extremely kind and caring, finding the good in everyone. Still in love with Adina.

By talking to her you learn more about adina, and if you can convince her to tell you, you can learn about Adina and Arlan’s past.

Skilled in literally everything.

Wearing an expensive lace dress that is clearly well thought out and elegant.

Cradak- half orc, twin 1

Foreign siblings from a large wandering bard family. 

Always getting into trouble and had to be saved by Adina and Arlan. 


Rranak- half orc, twin 2

Foreign siblings from a large wandering bard family. 

Always getting into trouble and had to be saved by Adina and Arlan. 


Hormek Halfhold- dwarf, fellow hero

Mute little ball of rage. 

Traveled with Adina and Arlan a lot. Knew arlan practiced questionable magic to help Adina. 


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