The Grocery Store

 another blurb from a few years ago:

Anna walked away from the canned goods section of the grocery store, putting two cans of tomato soup into her shopping basket.

Pulling out her phone she checked her shopping list for the last item she needed.


‘I should really hurry if I don’t want Jess to bite my head off for being late’ Anna thought as she approached the pile of bananas on one of the many stands in the fruit section.

Right as she was putting a bunch of bananas into her basket, about to head over to the checkout, someone let out a loud, exasperated sigh to Anna’s left.

 Anna looked over to see a girl a few inches taller than her, with short brown hair and matching brown skin, wearing leggings and a hoodie glaring at the stand of apples in front of her. She was muttering something to herself too quietly for Anna to make out. But she seemed like she was trying to decide between two different kinds of apples.

Anna was about to say something to the girl - she wasn't entirely sure what exactly, but the person beside her looked so distressed that it couldn’t possibly just be about the apples - but before she could speak, the girl let out a huge groan and grabbed a few of the green apples, looking resigned. 

Trudging passed Anna, not even noticing her, the girl made a beeline for the checkout. This time, though, she was talking loud enough for Anna to hear the stanger’s rant.

“... Don’t like green apples! I like the red ones. But NO! They have to put the green ones on sale. It’s like they know which ones I don't like and those are what they put on sale. Because for some reason the universe doesn’t want me to have a STUPID. RED. APPLE! It’s ALWAYS the goddamn green ones. Like how hard is it to switch it up sometimes, huh? People like a little variety you know!! I swear they will never …”

Anna stood there, staring after the person - who was still muttering but out of earshot. ‘It would probably be weird if I followed her to the checkout after hearing that, right? I don’t want it to seem like I’m stalking her…’

‘...I’ll just stand here for a bit until she leaves the store…’

‘...God this is stupid…’

‘...Why is she taking so long to pay?...’

‘...I’m gonna be late at this rate…’

‘...She does realize she can buy the red ones even if they aren't on sale, right?...’


‘...Thank god she left. I need to hurry. If I know my sister, she’s probably already at the cafe’


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